A rainy night...

A mysterious warehouse...

Alisa enters the old building not knowing what awaits her in the dark... or who.

A Mind held Hostage is a skill based platformer where you can shoot your old - new. trusty companion. Using her to reach higher platforms, jump over large gaps and find the secret in the warehouse.

New Content:

5 new levels have been added. You can access them in the level select menu. But be warned, they are tough as nails.  


A and D: move

Space: jump

Left click: shoot and recall the ghost

Right click: Switch between pull and push mode

This game was made for the Game Jam Linz 2021 with the theme "A close companion" 


Emil Dobetsberger @goodandemil (twitter)

 Bozo Vuksan @flash__monkey (twitter)

Michael Grieshofer @MiDev_885 (twitter)

 Green Acorn Studios @greenAcornTM (twitter)


Development log


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cool game